Forge Dyslexia Support Services

Dyslexia Assessments in Newtownards

You wonder if you are dyslexic and what you can do about it.  A diagnosis could make your life much easier.

Why should you have a Diagnostic Dyslexia Assessment?

You wonder if you are dyslexic and what you can do about it. A diagnosis could make your life much easier.

Dyslexic people can be helped to deal with their condition only when it has been recognised.

Little girl drawing on paper
Young stressed student girl studying pile of books on library desk preparing MBA test or exam in stress feeling tired and overwhelmed in youth education concept


Students need to know if access arrangements at exam time could give them extra time and allow them to compete from an equal playing field. When applying for University or other full-time Further Education, a dyslexia assessment could pave the way to a Disabled Student’s Allowance.

Portrait of frustrated crying sad school kid boy at home making homework. Little child writing with colorful pencils, indoors. Elementary school and education, heavy burden at school.


Parents need the answer to understand their child’s difficulties in detail. Intervention and support in the early years can be crucial for a child’s progress. As soon as difficulties become apparent, and particularly where a child is becoming distressed or showing behavioural problems, an assessment should be carried out. There is a body of opinion supported by research suggesting that if dyslexic children are diagnosed early and given specialist remedial support, less time is needed for catching up.

Group of business people smiling in an office


Adults need to know about how to move forward at work. Perhaps a job role has changed and you feel stuck, unable to perform in the new role. Employers need to know how to handle dyslexic staff members in the best way. A dyslexia assessment could benefit both parties.

What does having a Dyslexia Assessment involve?

You will initially be asked to complete a short questionnaire, giving background information about:

  • Your physical and educational development as a child
  • Your educational experiences in school and/or college
  • Extra educational support received
  • Your perceived strengths and weaknesses in literacy and numeracy
  • How any difficulties have impacted on your life so far (e.g. I.E.P., qualifications, current employment, etc.)

The assessment process is very thorough and can last 3-4 hours. This time can be split into two or more sessions if the participant is unsettled or excessively fatigued.

The assessment takes place in the informal and comfortable environment of my home. I make the process as stress-free as possible, offering comfort and snack breaks as required.

The assessment process involves testing in the main following areas:

  • Underlying ability
  • Spelling & Text writing
  • Word and text reading
  • Phonological processing to include speed of processing
  • Information processing to include working memory
Man standing on jigsaw

After The Assessment

You will be contacted later to either attend my premises again or review the report online. At this stage, I will outline the concluding statements of the report and the recommended actions you should implement. I will explain the content and meaning of all the tables.

The full Diagnostic Assessment Report is very detailed, normally 15-17 pages long and is written in a style that is accessible to both you and any educational professional. Because the report will consist of some technical terms ( e.g. composite score, standardised score, percentile, confidence interval, etc.), I feel it is important that I fully explain terminology used.

This meeting gives you the opportunity to ask me anything regarding the assessment, the conclusions and the recommendations I have made.

You should give a copy of the report to the relevant professional, depending on your current situation (e.g. School, Further Education, Employment).

This report will be valid for the following five years, so care should be taken in its safe storage.

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